In 1181
Saladin owned most of Egypt. Al Sale, now 19 years old, died of mysterious reasons.
And in 1183 Saladin grabbed the power.
At the
moment Baldwin the Second was king in Jerusalem, but was troubled by lepra and
Guy of Lusignan took up the rule. Reynald of Chatillon at his side. There was a
treaty for Muslims to be able to trade with Jerusalem, but these route came
close to where Reynald resided. All the wealth passing through became to much
of a temptation and he attacked a caravan, breaking the treaty. He took al the
travelers hostage, not knowing yet that one of them was Saladin's sister.
This was
more than an excuse for Saladin to go to war and so he marched to Hattin. Guy
had to react. He rallied his man, Hospitlers and Templers and marched. But the
seasons was at its hottest and the dessert was dry. Then they spotted a lake
and diverted their route. But Saladin had foreseen this and planned a trap. He
started a charge right between Guy and the lake. The battle began. Saladin was
burning the bushes and the dry grass, making the air even dryer. They made
constant sound shouting, stamping, drumming. A torture. Saladin ordered to
attack but to leave Guys tent in the middle intact. It was an easy victory and
Guy and Reynald were taken hostage.
came to see them and offered Guy a drink, but as Guy tried to pass it to
Reynald he slapped it away, spilling it on the ground. Saladin took his sword
and cut of the head of Reynald. Saladin thought kings should not kill kings and
so he let Guy live, the rest was killed.
The army
was broken, the king held hostage by Saladin, and the splinter of the holy
cross which they had carried with them was paraded and mocked. Tyre, Acre,
Caesarea and Jaffa all fell to Saladin.
marched for Jerusalem, no mercy in mind. The people pleaded with him, but he
would not cave. Yet they held the holy musk as a ransom, threatening to destroy
it. And so Saladin would let them go for a ransom and entered the city victorious
without spilling blood. The crosses were removed and the holy buildings and
artifacts restored.
But this
could not go unnoticed, a third crusade was called. Pope Gregory the Third
started to assemble and army. It was looking good. From Germany 100000 men
marched under the great emperor Frederique Barbosa. But he fell during the
march and drowned in a river. With this the army turned home. But not all was
lost. Richard the First, now king of England, marched.
wanted to be prepared for the crusade and so he spent 14 months collecting the necessary
funds to do so. He sold all his properties, royal pardons and his lands. In
this time Saladin released former king Guy, thinking he was no more threat. But
Guy felt otherwise. He rallied 400 knights and 7000 foot soldiers and went to
the harbor city Acre. Hearing of this Saladin rode to Acre. Guy stood his
ground for two years, awaiting the army of Richard the First.
In 1191
Richard was marching and arrived in Acre, with his siege towers. But Saladin
had not been still and had found a chemical called Greek Fire, or Sticky fire,
and took out the siege towers one by one. Richard was put on the defense. But
with his battle plans he ordered every man to take stones from the walls and
they would receive a gold coin for every stone they took. And so the walls
started to crumble and Richard took the city, taking Saladin's men hostage.
With this
battle Richard gained the name, Richard the Lion heart, and they could move on
to Jerusalem.
Still the
problem was the hostages Richard had taken, and tried to ransom them for 200000
gold and the return of the splinter of the cross. Saladin wasn't about to pay
up and stretched negotiations as long as possible, limiting Richard in his
plans. Richard saw through his plans, and finally killed all the hostages.
After this
they marched for Jerusalem. During the march Saladin kept attacking, but
Richard tight formation would not budge. Almost to Jerusalem Richard realized
he did not have the materials to take Jerusalem, let alone hold it. He turned around and went back to the coast,
waiting for a new crusade to supply him with the means he needed for taking and
holding Jerusalem.
battles were fought over Acre, and upon the fall of Richard when his horse got
killed, Saladin sent a new horse to him, out of mutual respect.
Around September
1192 a standstill happened between the armies. Saladin's problem was that his
soldiers were people from the land, with acres and families to take care of.
Richards army was filled with paid mercenaries, who didn't mind staying as long
as they needed. And so Saladin called for a truce. The crusaders could keep the
coastal towns, but Jerusalem stayed under Saladin's rule, permitting Christian
pilgrims to enter.
During the
truce Richard refused to enter the city while it was still in Muslim hands. But
the time came to go back home, and he left with a note saying he would come
back and take Jerusalem. Saladin replied with: "If anyone would take the
land from me, I wish it to be you.". Three months after Richard departure
Saladin died, which would have been an easy chance for Richard had he stayed.
in 1199
Richard of Lion heart died by an arrow wound in one of the battles fought in
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